
New chapter of "The Outsiders" posted on Paradevo!

Completely forgot to post the link here when I put the chapter up a couple of weeks ago.

Here's chapter 12 of "The Outsiders".

I really hope to have chapters for the stories on the blog soon. Maddie and Cathy are both working on updates for their stories and have promised to try to get them to me soon.  I've actually got ideas for both "The Store Manager" and "Jenna & Luke 2.0". Just have to find the time to write them down... Fortunately things are slowing down at work and I think I'll have more time to write in the coming weeks. #FingersCrossed as we say on Twitter. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for this blog to be more active again!! Love your and your guest authors stories!


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