Two weeks after
their Sunday afternoon in Venice Beach Luke kept his promise and brought Jenna
to his favorite Indian restaurant. He’d booked a table for Friday evening at
seven and he offered to pick her up. Jenna was looking forward to spending time
with Luke. They’d both been busy lately and apart from meeting at the coffee shop for lunch a few times over the past couple of weeks they hadn’t spent any time
Luke had been
tied up at work as well; his company was doing some sort of audit and he’d been
working longer hours than usual too. Weeknight dates had not been an
option lately and the previous weekend Jenna had flown to Chicago to celebrate
her father’s 60th birthday, so they hadn’t seen each
other over the weekend either.
Jenna checked her
appearance in the full-length mirror in her hallway one last time; she’d opted
for her little black dress, which was always a safe choice. A pair of glittery
stilettoes and colorful shawl added a fun twist to the classic dress. Her long
blonde hair was pulled into a loose bun. Jenna was satisfied with her
appearance. She grabbed her clutch bag and headed outside to wait for
Luke. A smile spread across her face when she stepped out of her front
door; his van was already there and she quickly locked her door and moments
later she slid into the front passenger seat. Luke beamed at her and his
expression made the effort she'd made to look good worth it.
“Wow,” was all he
managed to say before Jenna pressed a kiss to his lips.
“I take it you
like the dress?” she said with a grin as she sat back in her seat and secured
her seat belt.
“You look
“You don’t look
too shabby yourself,” Jenna said with a smile. Luke was dressed in a pair of
black dress slacks and a navy dress shirt. His hair was more styled than usual
and he was clean-shaven with no trace of a five o'clock shadow. “Did you have a
good day?”
“Yeah. We’re
finally finished with the audits, so things will be less hectic next week. How
are your projects getting along?”
“We sent the
first one to print this afternoon and if the client gives us the thumbs up the
second one will be sent to print early next week. It’s been fun to work with
these projects, but the second one has been a bit of a nightmare. Extremely
demanding client. I just hope they’re happy with the results and refer more
clients to us. That will make it all worth it.”
“I’m sure they
are. The little I’ve seen of your work looks great,” Luke said. “That said; I’d
love to see more of it.”
“I think that can
be arranged,” Jenna replied with a smile.
Luke pulled into
one of the handicap parking spaces outside Taj Mahal restaurant. Jenna stepped
out of the van and waited for him to get out. It took him a few minutes to get
the lift set up, roll onto the platform, lower it and then raise the lift again
and lock up the van. Jenna smiled as he tucked his car keys into the pouch
under the left armrest of his wheelchair where she knew he also kept his wallet
and cell phone.
“Ready?” she
“I am,” he said.
He offered her his left hand and they made their way to the entrance. Jenna
held the door open and Luke rolled past her into the restaurant. The hostess
greeted him warmly; a slight Indian accent was evident when she spoke.
“Luke! Welcome
back, we’ve missed you. Who’s the pretty lady?”
“Hi Sarita, this
is Jenna.” He wanted to introduce Jenna as his girlfriend, but he felt it was a
bit presumptuous. After all they had only been on two ‘proper’ dates, not
counting their lunch dates at the coffee shop.
“Hi Jenna,” she
smiled. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you
too, Sarita.”
“We’ve got a
table ready for you,” Sarita said with a smile as she grabbed two menus from a
shelf behind the hostess stand and gestured for them to follow her.
Jenna had been a
little underwhelmed with the exterior of Taj Mahal, but as soon as they made it
through the door she was blown away. The walls were painted in warm earth tones
and it looked exactly like she’d imagined an Indian restaurant would look like.
Sarita, the hostess, was a stunningly beautiful Indian woman dressed in a
purple sari.
As Jenna followed
Luke and Sarita through the restaurant she noticed how people stared at them,
just like they had at Venice Beach. Luke didn’t draw as much attention at the
coffee shop, but Jenna knew it was because he was a regular there and most of
the customers were used to him, as were the staff.
Jenna was
relieved when Sarita showed them a round table that was tucked away in a niche
that gave them some privacy. A chair was already removed to give room for
Luke’s wheelchair and he steered his chair into place with practiced
ease. Sarita placed their menus on the table in front of them and asked
them what they wanted to drink.
“I’ll have a
water for now and I suggest you have a Kingfisher,” Luke said to Jenna.
“A Kingfisher?”
“Indian beer.
It’s really good. You should try it. I’ll have one with my food.”
“Okay, a
Kingfisher for me then,” Jenna said to Sarita, who nodded and walked away.
Jenna turned her attention to Luke. “So, Mr. Indian-foodie…what’s good?”
“Well, since this
is your first time eating Indian food I suggest you have Chicken Tika. It’s a
classic and it’s really good. You can either order it as a casserole, where the
meat is cooked and served in the sauce, or you can get it as a Tandoori dish.
If you go for the Tandoori version the meat is served with vegetables, usually
onions and peppers, on a steaming hot cast iron platter. The rice and sauce is
served separately.”
“What’s your
“Tandoori, ‘cause
the meat is better quality, it’s marinated and they grill it in a Tandoor
A waiter, Raj,
appeared with their drinks and he took their orders. Jenna ordered the Tandoori
Chicken Tika.
“How spicy would
you like it?” the waiter asked.
“Uhh…Luke, help
me out here,” she looked at him with a quizzical look on her face.
“How spicy do you
normally tolerate your food to be?” Luke asked.
“How about we
give you a madras sauce, that’s quite strong, and a less spicy sauce, so you
can try both?” Raj offered.
“You can do that?
That would be awesome!”
“No problem,
miss. What can I get you, Luke?”
“The same,
madras. And we’ll have raita and two garlic naan breads. And another round of
drinks with the food, but a Kingfisher for me too this time.”
“Do you want us
to plate your food like usual?” Raj asked Luke.
“That would be
great. Thanks, Raj.”
When Raj left
Luke turned his attention back to Jenna. “I hope you’re enjoying your first
visit at an Indian restaurant,” he said.
“I do. I have to
say I was a bit thrown by the exterior, it doesn’t do the inside justice at all.”
“I know.
Unfortunately the guy that owns the building doesn’t allow them to do much with
the front. They’re pretty restrictive about signage.”
“I see. It’s a
pity, ‘cause the inside is amazing.”
“I’m glad you
like the interior. I hope you like the food too.”
“I’m sure I will,
judging from what my nose is telling me.”
“If I was able to
I’d cross my fingers,” Luke chuckled. Then he used both hands to raise his
glass of water high enough for the straw inserted in it to reach his lips.
After a couple of sips he put it back down. Jenna had a sip of her Kingfisher.
“This is good
beer,” she commented as she put her glass down.
“It’s one of my
favorite beers, but I take some meds that don’t mix well with alcohol and I’m
driving, so I’ve got to be careful. “
“I don’t drink
much either. I enjoy a good glass of wine or a beer from time to time.”
Luke decided to
take the opportunity to get to know Jenna a little better. They hadn’t really
discussed their pasts much. “You’re from
the Midwest, right? You do have the accent and if I remember correctly you
mentioned moving here from Chicago.”
“Yeah, I grew up
in Evanston; it’s a suburban town north of Chicago. It’s right on the coast of
Lake Michigan. My family consisted of Mom, Dad, an older brother and a younger
sister, a dog and a picket fence. Pretty cliché.”
“Sounds like you
come from a stable family.”
“Yeah. Mom and
Dad have been married for almost 40 years and they’re still madly in love with
each other. I know they’ve had their rough patches, but they’ve worked through
it. According to Dad Garrity men prefer working through the rough patches over
breaking in a new wife.”
Luke laughed, and
then he got serious. “I like that way of thinking.”
“Yeah, me too.
Too many of my friends’ parents got divorced. I felt lucky that mine stayed
“Does your family
still live in Evanston?”
“My older
brother, James, does. He bought our childhood home about 10 years ago. He’s a
doctor at Northwestern University Hospital, oncologist. His wife, Andrea, is a
florist with her own store. They’ve been married for almost 15 years. Their
oldest, Hannah, is 13 and their youngest, Matthew, is 9.”
“And your
“Moved to a condo
in central Chicago. Dad’s a lawyer and he wanted to live closer to his office.
He’s a senior partner at one of the big firms in Chicago. Mom’s a teacher,
teaches third grade.”
“And your
“Joanna is three
years younger than me. She lives in Houston, just got engaged to her
girlfriend, Shannon. They run a popular gay bar together, much to Dad’s dismay.
I guess you could say she’s the black sheep of the family. I’m kind of glad she
relieved me from that part.”
“You were
the black sheep of the family?”
“Yeah…I was a bit
of a rebel in high school, artsy, did things my own way… Dad was really peeved
when I chose to study art at UCLA. He wanted me to do something more ‘serious’.
He wasn’t even pleased when I graduated with honors, Magma Cum Laude. Joanna
coming out of the closet took the pressure off me.”
“So, being gay
isn’t okay to your Dad?”
“I think it’s
more that she graduated from Georgetown Law Summa Cum Laude and instead of
accepting a job offer from Dad’s law firm she announced that she’s gay and that
she was moving to Houston with her girlfriend, the love of her life, and that
they were opening a bar together. I doubt he’d have any problems with her
sexuality if she’d gone to work for him.”
“I see how that might cause some friction, but
the most important thing is that she’s happy, right? Are you close with your
“Yeah, we’re
pretty close, she’s three years younger than me. Don’t see much of each other
these days, but we keep in touch via Facebook and emails. James and I are more
distant. He’s seven years older than me and has always been a bit of a nerd.
Very serious and always did what Dad wanted him to do.”
“A Daddy’s boy?”
Luke queried, trying to put the Garrity family dynamics together.
“Yeah, you could
put it that way. What about you? Are you close with your family?”
“Yeah, we’re
pretty tight. I caused a bit of a stir when I announced that I was moving out
here; Mom wanted me to live with her and Dad, or at least get a house somewhere
close to them, but I refused. I needed to get away, to prove to myself that I
was still capable of living pretty much independently. Mom was smothering me
and it drove me crazy.”
“Isn’t that a
mothers prerogative though? And I don’t mean to offend you; but doesn’t your
circumstances give her extra reason to worry?”
“I know,” Luke
sighed. “I can deal with it for a few days at a time when they come here to
“They visit you
“A few times a
year. It’s easier for them to fly out here. I try to avoid air travel, for a
quad in a power chair it’s a nightmare.”
conversation was interrupted because their food arrived. Luke grinned when
Jenna’s eyes grew wide at the sight of her food. When Raj had placed everything
on the table Luke explained the side dishes to her and they dug in hungrily.
“You like it?” he
asked after a few minutes of eating in silence.
“Like it? Try
love it!” she beamed. “I can’t believe I’ve never tired Indian food before.”
Luke smiled and
turned his attention back to his food. Success! he thought, giving
himself a mental pat on the back.
“It’s a bit early
to call it a night,” Jenna said as they headed out of the restaurant. It was
only 8:30 in the evening. “How about we go see a movie or go to a bar or
“Movie at my
place?” Luke suggested. “Wheelchair accessible seats in movie theatres
generally suck and as far as I know there are no good bars around here. Unless
you’re into dive bars filled with drunk people that is.”
“I’m definitely
not a fan of dive bars, a movie at your place sounds like a great plan,” Jenna
agreed as she climbed into his van.
It took Luke a
few minutes to get settled in and Jenna waited patiently. When he was about to
start the car she spoke.
“Umm…do you have
a TV in your bedroom?”
“Yeah, why?” Luke
was obviously puzzled by her question.
“Well, this is
probably silly, but it would be nice to cuddle and that’s kind of hard with you
in the wheelchair and me in a recliner or on the couch. And you told me you
can’t sit unaided, so I guess sitting on your couch together isn’t an option,
“Right…” Luke
seemed confused and insecure.
“Well, I was just
thinking we could get propped up on pillows and watch TV in bed. You can do
that, right?”
Luke swallowed
and Jenna noticed is eyes got moist. “You just keep blowing me away, you know
“So that’s a
“Definitely. I can
actually raise the head of my bed, so we won’t need heaps of pillows. .”
“That sounds like
a plan,” Jenna said. “Do you think we could swing by my place so I can get my
car? I’m not comfortable with taking the bus late at night.”
“You can spend the
night if you want to,” Luke offered. Then he hastily added. “In a guest room of
course, I don’t expect you to sleep in the same bed as me so soon. We can swing
by your place so you can grab sleepwear, a change of clothes and whatever else
you need.”
Jenna hesitated a
little before she spoke again. “If you’re sure it’s not too much trouble, I’d
like that.”
“I wouldn’t have
offered if it was,” Luke said. He was both happy that she’d accepted the offer
to spend the night and a bit disappointed she hadn’t insisted on sleeping in
his bed. Get a grip, Hillbrook! You
agreed to take things slow and this is only your third date, not counting lunch
dates at the coffee shop. If you push her into something she’s not comfortable
with you’ll end up pushing her away.
They spend the
rest of the drive over to Jenna’s house in a comfortable silence.
“I’ll be right
back. Thanks, Luke.” Jenna planted a quick kiss on his cheek and reached for
the door handle after he’d pulled into a parking space outside her building.
”Thank you,” Luke
replied, emphasizing you. Jenna smiled and jumped out of the car.
Luke called Kevin
while Jenna hurried into her apartment. He was relieved when he answered after
the second ring.
“Hey, man. You
“I’m way better
than okay. Are you at home?”
“Yeah, I’m just
chilling, watching TV. Why?”
“Jenna is coming
home with me. We’re going to watch a moveoe and because Jenna wants to cuddle
she suggested we do it in bed. Can you help me get into bed in about half an
hour or so? I know it’s not according to the schedule.”
“Not a problem.
Just let me know when you’re ready. Another successful date?”
“This woman is
seriously amazing!”
“Glad to hear it,
Luke. See you both soon, I can’t wait to meet her.” Kevin ended the call
without saying goodbye.
A few minutes
later Jenna came back to the car. She had changed out of her dress and into a
pair of black skinny jeans and a grey tunic topped black leather jacket. She’d swapped
the stilettos for a pair of black ballerina flats. The clutch she’d brought to
the restaurant was replaced by a small Louis Vuitton duffle bag
“I called Kevin.
He’s at home and can help me get into bed,” Luke informed her.
“This is one of
the times it’s great that he lives in the same house as me. Makes it easier to
be impulsive.”
“I have to admit
it’s still kind of weird to me that you need someone to help you get in and out
of bed, but I’ve done some research on spinal cord injuries and I understand
more now.”
“So, it doesn’t
freak you out?”
“I won’t deny it’s
going to take some getting used to, but I have a feeling you’re worth it.”
don’t know what I did to deserve you,” Luke said as he started the car and
pulled out of the parking space.
When they arrived
at Luke’s house Kevin was waiting in the living room. Luke introduced Jenna to him
and he and then he showed Jenna the guest room with an en suite bathroom.
“If you want to
unpack or freshen up or something while Kevin gets me settled in bed, feel free
to do so. Luke hoped Jenna would take the hint and give him a few minutes of
privacy. He wasn’t ready for her to see him transfer.
“Thanks, Luke.
This is a nice room,” Jenna complimented him. The room was spacious and the
large bed with a gray comforter and white sheets made it look a like a hotel
room. “Looks like a hotel.”
“That was the
look I was going for,” Luke said with a self-satisfied smile. “I’ll see you in
a few minutes.”
Jenna watched as
Luke followed Kevin down the hall to his bedroom and when the door closed
behind them she went into the guest room and put her duffle bag on the bed. She
quickly unpacked it and spread the contents on the bed. She hung her clothes in
the closet; she’d brought a pair of black tights and a colorful tunic a friend
of hers had bought her in Namibia the previous summer. She grabbed her toiletry
bag and headed into the bathroom to relieve herself and freshen up a little.
She had a feeling Luke wanted to get settled into bed without her watching.
A few minutes
later she was done and just as she walked out of the bathroom there was a knock
on the guestroom door. She opened and as she’d expected Kevin was standing on
the other side. “He’s all set and
waiting for you. Enjoy the movie.”
“Thanks Kevin,”
Jenna said. Before she could say anything else he walked away.
Jenna was a
little nervous as she walked down the hall to Luke’s bedroom, the door was ajar
and she knocked lightly on the doorjamb. She hadn’t known exactly what to
expect, but she had thought his bedroom might have more of a hospital feel to
it. Instead it looked pretty much like a normal bedroom. The walls were painted
in a warm beige tone, the furnishings were modern and made of dark wood and
apart from the wheelchair parked in the corner next to the bed there was
nothing that screamed that the resident was disabled. Jenna immediately fell in
love with his brown and blue sheets. Luke was laying on top of the covers on
the right side of the bed, still fully dressed and he smiled tentatively as she
stepped into the room.
Luke felt like a
nervous schoolboy when Jenna stepped into his bedroom. Even if they were just
watching a movie, fully dressed it was the first time he’d brought a woman into
his bedroom since the accident..
“Jump in,” Luke
said and patted the bed next to him. Jenna obliged and as soon as she was in
bed she scooted over and snuggled into his side. “Comfortable?” he asked when
she rested her head on his chest and draped an arm across his waist. He
wondered what she thought when she felt his soft belly with no muscles.
“I’m not
complaining,” he grinned. “Shall I hit play?”
“Yeah, please do.
I’ve been wanting to see “Eat, Pray, Live” for a while, I hope it’s not too
much of a chick-flick.”
“I’ve heard good
things about it and I actually liked the book.”
“Really? Okay,
that makes me less worried.”
“Honestly; I’m
happy to watch even the worst chick flick if it means having you next to me,”
Luke replied as he pushed play. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and
laid his head against the pillow.
“I’ll keep that
in mind,” Jenna said with a teasing grin on her face. Soon they were both immersed in the movie. When the end titles appeared on the screen it
was close to midnight and Luke didn’t manage to stifle a yawn. Jenna was tired too. After a passionate good night kiss she headed
to the guest room. Part of her wanted to stay in Luke’s bed, but she knew it
wasn’t time for that yet.
To be continued…
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